The World Economic Forum has noted that the “quiet pandemic” of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) is leading to as many (if not more) deaths per year as COVID-19.
Genomics is on the front line in combatting AMR in Canada—and globally through commitments from the WHO and G7 Health Ministers. Genome Canada’s investments range from replacing anti-biotic use with genomic-identified anti-microbial proteins in veterinary practice, to understanding and managing AMR transfer between bacteria and habitats.
Acting on AMR is vital both in terms of lives saved and economic consequences. By 2050, the estimated cumulative costs of AMR to the Canadian healthcare system will approach $120 billion, with the economy potentially losing up to $21 billion per year. Investing in genomics now will drive the changes needed to reduce those future social and economic costs.
With collaboration across the Canadian Genomics Enterprise