Funding Opportunity – 2015 Disruptive Innovation in Genomics Competition


Genome Canada is pleased to launch the 2015 Disruptive Innovation in Genomics (DIG) Competition.

This funding opportunity is aimed at supporting projects focused on the development of disruptive innovationin the field of genomics, which for the purpose of this competition is defined as a new genomics-based technology or the application of an existing technology from another field, applied to the field of genomics, that is truly transformative in that it has the potential to either displace an existing technology, disrupt an existing market or create a new market. A disruptive innovation offers the capability to do things not previously possible and is not an incremental improvement of an existing technology.

To maximize the benefits for the genomics community, the DIG program will be delivered in two phases:

  • Phase 1 will support activities to prove the feasibility of an “idea” – does this technology work and what can it do?

  • Phase 2 will support the development of a prototype (process, product and/or method) advancing the “idea”.

All applicants will need to demonstrate, with supporting evidence, the potential for the innovation to be disruptive, have impact within the technology space, and eventually benefits for Canada. Phase 2 projects must have clear deliverables that will be realized by the end of the project and a plan which explains the next steps of how the deliverables from the research will be transferred, disseminated, used, and/or applied to realize the benefits. The intention is that true disruptive innovation is captured and transferred to those who have the ability to translate and use it, resulting in benefits for Canada.

Genome Canada acknowledges that some potentially disruptive innovations may already have passed the feasibility stage (Phase 1) but require support to develop a prototype to prepare for translation to users (Phase 2). Phase 1 and Phase 2 will, therefore, be run in parallel to support potential disruptive innovations both at the feasibility and development of prototype stages. A second round of Phase 2 funding, open only to eligible Phase 1 projects, will be held 18 months after successful Phase 1 projects are launched. This will allow Phase 1 projects approved for Phase 2 funding to continue to Phase 2 without a gap in funding and for projects not approved for Phase 2 funding to wind down.

Through this Competition, Genome Canada will provide up to $15 million in funding for multiple Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects as follows:


Phase 1

Phase 2

Genome Canada Funding Available

Approx. $5 M

Approx. $10 M


Not required

At least two thirds of project budget

Genome Canada Investment per Project (Maximum)


$1 M

Term of Project (Maximum)

Two years

Three years

The application process is comprised of two steps: Registration and Full Application. Applicants are required to apply for funding through their regional Genome Centre. The Request for Application can be found here. For more information, contact your regional Genome Centre.

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