Genome Canada congratulates Philip Hieter on receiving 2018 George W. Beadle Award for outstanding contributions to the genetics research community


Genome Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are pleased to congratulate Dr. Philip Hieter on recently being awarded the 2018 George W. Beadle Award by the Genetics Society of America, for his outstanding contributions to the genetics research community.

Dr. Hieter is Professor of Medical Genetics in the Michael Smith Laboratories at the University of British Columbia. He also is a co-leader of the Canadian Rare Disease Models and Mechanisms Network, funded by CHIR, in partnership with Genome Canada, and is an initiative that builds on Canada’s proven leadership in rare disease gene discovery through national engagement. 

The award is fitting given Dr. Hieter’s significant work to spur collaboration between clinicians and scientists in the discovery of new gene mutations causing disease, as well as his scientific advances in the area of chromosome biology, which have led to countless discoveries and potential therapies.

We wish to thank Dr. Hieter for his hard work, tireless dedication, achievements and impacts that have served to enrich our research community and society in Canada and beyond.

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