Genome Canada unveils Canada’s new Genomics Innovation Network


Genome Canada is pleased to announce a $15.5 million investment in Canada’s new Genomics Innovation Network. The Network is comprised of ten “Nodes,” each receiving core operational funding from Genome Canada, with matching funds from various public and private sector partners.

The Genomics Innovation Network is designed to allow innovation centres across Canada to collaborate and harness their collective power for the advancement of genomics research. Each Node provides Canadian and international researchers with access to the leading-edge technologies required for research in genomics, metabolomics, proteomics and related areas. These Nodes are also well positioned to push the boundaries in terms of developing new technologies in genomics and related sciences.

Furthermore, the highly-qualified personnel within each Node will provide the Canadian research community with advice and expertise on use and selection of appropriate technologies, study design, data analysis and bioinformatics, ensuring that Canadian research remains world-class and highly competitive on a global scale.

Quick facts

  • $15.5 million in federal funding through Genome Canada is the initial investment being made in core operations funding for the10 Nodes, with each receiving from $800,000 to $2 million in federal funds over two-years beginning April 1, 2015. Co-funding investments in the Nodes from other partners, including provincial governments, academic institutions, and the private sector at a required minimum 1:1 ratio, bring the total initial investment in the Genomics Innovation Network to approximately $31 million.

  • In addition, approximately $15 million will be invested in the Nodes over the coming 2 years. Most of this funding is dedicated towards technology development and collaborative projects. This further investment will also attract at least an equal amount in co-funding from partners in the public and private sector.

  • The Node selection process was the result of a competitive process involving peer review by an international review committee.

  • The Genomics Innovation Network is a new model, replacing Genome Canada’s former investments in five Science and Technology Innovation Centres. The new Network model places greater emphasis on collaboration and sharing of expertise among Nodes.

  • Providing Canada’s research community with access to leading-edge technologies is a key pillar of Genome Canada’s mandate. Creating the Genomics Innovation Network will also contribute to Canadian leadership in the development of new genomic technologies. The investment will also support important work in the area of bioinformatics and computational biology, including addressing major challenges associated with the storage and analysis of “big data”.


“Through our government’s low tax plan for jobs and growth, we have made record investments in Canadian science and technology including Genome Canada. Genome Canada’s new Genomics Innovation Network will provide leading Canadian researchers with new knowledge and new tools necessary to make breakthrough discoveries – discoveries that create jobs, prosperity and improve our quality of life as Canadians.” 
– The Honourable Ed Holder, Minister of State for Science and Technology

“Breakthroughs across all sectors that form part of Canada’s growing bioeconomy – health, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, energy and mining – rely on researchers across Canada having access to leading-edge ‘omics technologies, which are rapidly evolving. Moreover, we want to build on past successes where we’ve seen new genomics technology development become the foundation for Canadian business growth.” 
– Dr. Pierre Meulien, President and CEO, Genome Canada


Andrea Matyas 
Director, Communications 
Genome Canada 
Office: 613-751-4460 x 231 
Cell: 613-790-0106

About Genome Canada

Genome Canada is a federally-funded not-for-profit organization that acts as a catalyst for developing and applying genomics and genomic-based technologies across multiple sectors to create economic and social benefits for Canadians. For more information, visit

Quick facts

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