Genomics to deliver life-saving precision health care to Canadians


Precision health breakthroughs using genome sequencing for accurate diagnosis and treatment of genetic conditions are revolutionizing health care.  

Five new projects funded through Genome Canada’s Genomics Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) will harness the power of genomics to deliver precision health solutions—speeding up diagnosis and improving health outcomes and disease management for Canadians.


Announced in April 2023, a new investment of $56.7 million will support the latest round of GAPP projects, fuelling late-stage research and development (R&D) projects addressing real world opportunities and challenges, including a $22.9 million investment in precision health.



Parent-of-Origin Aware genomic analysis

Dr. Steven Jones and Dr. Peter Lansdorp (The University of British Columbia) and Dr. Kasmintan Schrader (BC Cancer) will validate a new technology, Origin‐Aware genomic analysis (POAga), to improve early detection and prevention of hereditary cancers. Funded through Genome British Columbia.

RapidOmics 2.0: Long-read genomic sequencing for urgent genetic disease diagnosis

Dr. Jan Friedman (The University of British Columbia) and Craig Ivany (Provincial Health Services Authority) will harness long‐read genome sequencing to improve urgent genetic disease diagnosis. Funded through Genome British Columbia.

Clinical implementation of oncogenomic testing and synoptic reporting for improved ovarian cancer patient care in Saskatchewan

Dr. John DeCoteau (University of Saskatchewan) and Dr. Marilyn Kinloch (Saskatchewan Health Authority) will drive implementation of genomics testing to improve ovarian cancer patient care and develop precision treatment options. Funded through Genome Prairie.

Enabling personalized genomics in health with the CanPath data safe haven

Dr. Phillip Awadalla (Ontario Institute for Cancer Research), Dr. John McLaughlin and Dr. Trevor Dummer (Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health), and Dr. Anna-Renee Hartman (Adela) will enable personalized genomics in health—for earlier diagnosis and medical intervention—through the CanPath data safe haven, which will improve secure health genomics data collection, integration and access. Funded through Ontario Genomics.

MutaQuant: A poerful proteogenomic phenotyping tool for precision medicine

Dr. Christoph Borchers (McGill University) and Dr. René Zahedi (MRM Proteomics) will commercialize new, more accurate tools to improve precision oncology—harnessing genome sequencing to screen for specific genomic mutations associated with cancers and help identify drug targets. Funded through Génome Québec.

To learn more about this investment in genomic research and development, click here.


The Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) supports industry-facing partnered research projects that address real-world challenges. Designed to accelerate the social and economic impact of genomics, GAPP provides the space for research, innovation and application to thrive collaboratively. This latest milestone investment marks the 100th project funded through GAPP and the 10th anniversary of the program, with a total investment of approximately $477.1 million to date, of which $17.9 million in was invested last fiscal, 2022-23. GAPP projects address real-world challenges and opportunities through greater collaboration between genomics scientists and the users of genomics research. They aim to stimulate public- and private-sector investment in Canadian genomics technologies, advancing technology uptake in receptors and moving technologies across readiness levels. 

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