Notice of Upcoming Funding Opportunity: 2018 Large-Scale Applied Research Project Competition: Genomics Solutions for Agriculture, Agri-food, Fisheries and Aquaculture


Genome Canada is pleased to advise the research community of an upcoming funding opportunity – the 2018 Large-Scale Applied Research Project Competition: Genomics Solutions for Agriculture, Agri-food, Fisheries and Aquaculture. This Competition is anticipated to be formally launched in June 2018 with detailed guidelines and application forms available at that time.  Genome Canada is in discussion with other organizations as potential partners for this competition.

This funding opportunity aims to support projects that will demonstrate how genomics research can be translated into solutions that advance the sustainability, productive capacity and the resulting competitive position of the Canadian agriculture/agri-food and fisheries/aquaculture sectors and thereby contribute to the Canadian bioeconomy and the well-being of Canadians.

Applicants must demonstrate how their proposal holds potential for attaining concrete deliverables by the end of the funding period that will be positioned for translation into valuable tools or improved policies and practices within the sectors.

There is approximately $30 million available for this competition from Genome Canada. In keeping with Genome Canada’s mandate to invest in large-scale research, projects of at least $2 million in total budget over a term of up to four years are welcome; there is no maximum budget. Genome Canada’s investment will range from $1 million to $4 million per project. A project’s eligible costs must be co-funded from eligible sources such that the co-funding is at least equal to the Genome Canada contribution.

Applicants will be required to apply for funding through their regional Genome Centre. The application process will be comprised of three steps: Registration, Pre-Application and Full Application.  Based on a June 2018 Competition launch, the deadline for Registrations is expected to be in August 2018.

For more information, contact your regional Genome Centre.

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