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Challenge areas
and initiatives

Challenge-driven genomics to improve lives, strengthen communities and drive economic growth

Genome Canada translates cutting-edge genomics research and innovation into solutions to national and global challenges—generating economic, health, social and environmental impact through targeted, challenge-driven genomics initiatives. Our challenge-driven initiatives are focused on areas of strategic importance for Canada where genomics makes a vital difference. They convene stakeholders from across sectors to tackle complex challenges as a coordinated ecosystem of partners.

Two female farmers sitting on tractor trailer on haystacks and working on laptop

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How we work

Our challenge-driven initiatives connect and coordinate dedicated researchers, business leaders, policymakers and others from across sectors to tackle complex challenges with innovative genomics-based solutions.

Challenge-driven genomics initiatives

Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems

New $30M genomics initiative is a first for Canada

Genomic Monitoring of Pathogens in Water

Strategic initiative launched April 2023

All for One

Advancing clinical implementation of genomics and precision health to improve patient care in Canada


A pan-Canadian collaboration to fight COVID-19

Our impact across sectors

Agriculture and food

Climate change and the environment

By the numbers

Federal investment in Genome Canada to kickstart
the Pan-Canadian Genomics Strategy (2021)
$ 0 M
Total research investment since 2000
$ 0 B
Research investment in 2020-21
$ 0 M
Spinoff companies created over two decades
Investment in more than 5,500 trainees since 2000
0 K

Genome Canada dialogue series on the future of genomics in Canada

Genome Canada Twitter Screenshot