Genome Canada applauds federal leadership in genomics


March 22, 2016, Ottawa, Ontario – Genome Canada was delighted with a new federal investment of $237.2 million in funding for genomics, announced as part of Budget 2016.  

“The Government of Canada has shown tremendous leadership by making a considerable investment in arguably the most promising field of science and technology,” said Mr. Marc LePage, President and CEO of Genome Canada. “We are pleased that the government sees science as foundational to Canada’s next-generation economy.  Genomics is an enabling technology that will spur innovation and growth in many important sectors for Canada including health, agriculture & agri-food, forestry, fisheries & aquaculture, the environment, energy and mining. It will also be a major asset in addressing challenges posed by climate change.”   

Genome Canada has a strong track record of success based on sustained federal investments in the field, coupled with partnered investments, since 2000. Our funded research is helping to save lives, improve healthcare, transform industries, create jobs and protect our environment and natural resources in the face of global challenges.

The multiyear nature of this investment puts Genome Canada in a strong position to leverage each federal dollar invested through co-funding genomics research with the provinces, industry, foundations, not-for-profit organizations, and international groups, among others.

With this new funding, Genome Canada plans to promptly launch new programs, in collaboration with partners, to expand large-scale genomic science and its applications across sectors. Programs to ensure Canada’s research community has continued access to rapidly-evolving genomic technologies will also be a high priority.

“We wish to thank the Government of Canada for this new investment. We look forward to working with the federal government, Canada’s six regional Genome Centres, and our many partners who form part of Canada’s thriving genomics enterprise, to put genomics at the service of Canadians to create jobs, improve health and generate economic prosperity and social wellbeing,” said Mr. LePage.



Media Contact

Andrea Matyas
Director, Communications
Genome Canada
Cell: 613-790-0106

About Genome Canada

Genome Canada is a not-for-profit organization that acts as a catalyst for developing and applying genomics and genomic-based technologies, to create economic and social benefits for Canadians. Genome Canada connects ideas and people across public and private sectors to find new uses for genomics, invests in large-scale science and technology to fuel innovation, and translates discoveries into applications and solutions across key sectors of national importance, including health, agriculture, forestry, fisheries & aquaculture, energy, mining, and the environment.

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