Sharing Big Data for Biomedical Discovery: Advancing the Objectives of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health


Genome Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, is developing a funding opportunity intended to support a single pan-Canadian program to develop a comprehensive strategy that will enable the sharing of genomic and clinical datasets across Canada and around the globe in a responsible, secure and effective manner.

In addition to supporting the activities of the Global Alliance and one or more of its working groups (, it is expected that the funded program will involve a broad range of stakeholders, including researchers, clinicians, bioinformaticians/computational biologists, GE3LS scholars (to examine the ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social aspects of the research), and policy makers. Engagement with relevant provincial, national and international organizations and initiatives interested in working together to address the challenges of data sharing, many of which may be members of the Global Alliance, will be another important eligibility requirement.

It is anticipated that this funding opportunity will be launched before the end of the year.

Should you have any questions regarding this initiative, please contact Karen Dewar, Director, Genomics Programs (

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